Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yummy Chocolatey Goodness!

Okay so I know that I should be hard at work on all of those kits for the up coming class, which I will go and do in a few minutes, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to spread the great news.  So here it goes!  I was blog hopping at work the other day (Hey, I was on a break!  Lol.) and came across a recipe for chocolate cake.  Not just any chocolate cake, it's 'the best chocolate sheet cake ever'!  It's even called that.  So I've been thinking about said cake for days now, trying to persuade myself why I need not make this cake or 'the best frosting I've ever had' that goes with it.  After only one day my will power was broken and I was in my Mom's kitchen this morning slaving  I made both the cake and the frosting and I enjoyed every minute of it. :)  And you know what?  It was indeed THE BEST chocolate cake and butter-cream frosting that I have ever had!  (For those of you who know me, I'm not a huge butter fan, but in this frosting it's pretty darn tasty.  Yeah there's a whole cup and I used the real stuff too, none of that mmm it tastes like butter but it's really 

 The best cupcake you'll ever eat.  Other cupcakes, eat your heart out!

Damn the scale today!  I'm eating cake!

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